Structural Mechanics - I
Unit 1:
- Scope of the subject
- Engineering properties of different materials
- St. Venant’s principle
- Simple stress
- Simple strains
- Hooks law
- Stress strain behavior for ductile material
- Stress strain behavior for brittle material
- Working stress
- Factor of safety
- Composite sections under axial loading
- Temperature stresses
Unit 2:
- Simple Shear stress
- Complementary Shear stress
- Poission’s ratio
- Normal Stresses & strains in three dimensions
- Elastic constants
- Relation between elastic constants
Unit 3:
- S.F & B.M. diagrams
- S.F & B.M. diagrams for beams subjected to point load
- S.F & B.M. diagrams for beams subjected to uniformly distributed load (U. D. L.)
- S.F & B.M. diagrams for beams subjected to uniformly varying load (U. V. L.)
- S.F & B.M. diagrams for beams subjected to couples
- Relation Between intensity of load, shear force & bending moment
Unit 4:
- Thin walled cylinders and spheres
- Change in volume
- Wire wound thin cylinders
Unit 5:
- Simple bending theory
- Pure bending of beams
- Flexure formula
- Moment of resistance of different cross sections
- Built- up sections
- Rectangular, circular and flanged sections
- Bending stresses in composite beams of two different materials
- Equivalent sections
Unit 6:
- Distribution of shear stresses in beams of rectangular sections
- Distribution of shear stresses in beams of "T "sections
- Distribution of shear stresses in beams of circular sections
- Distribution of shear stresses in beams of "I" sections
Unit 7:
- Strain energy due to axial force gradually applied
- Strain energy due to axial force suddenly applied (impact load)
- Strain energy due to shear force
- Strain energy due to bending moment
- Resilience
Unit 8:
- Analysis of pin jointed trusses
- Assumptions
- Method of joints
- Method of sections